2015 Elton Lecture
Dr. Charles W. Mills, John Evans Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, delivered the annual Elton Lecture on November 20, 2015. Professor Mills works in the general area of oppositional political theory, and is the author of five books: The Racial Contract (1997) Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race (1998); From Class to Race: Essays in White Marxism and Black Radicalism (2003); Contract and Domination (with Carole Pateman) (2007); and Radical Theory, Caribbean Reality: Race, Class and Social Domination (2010). His latest book, forthcoming from Oxford University Press, is Black Rights/White Wrongs: The Critique of Racial Liberalism. Read below for an abstract of his recent Elton Lecture, “Liberalism and Racial Justice.”