Derek Malone-France

Derek Malone-France
Associate Professor of Philosophy and of Religion; Founding Co-Director, GW French Embassy Center of Excellence
Associated & Affiliated Faculty
“Process Philosophy and Astrobiology: Initial Connections and Points for Further Exploration” (co-presenter John Baross, Prof. of Astrobiology and Oceanography, University of Washington), American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, April 2014
“Lead From the Front: Best Practices for Working with Veterans in the Writing Classroom,” chair, panel discussion, Association of Writing Programs, February/March 2014
Moderator, Debate between Former United States Treasurer, Bay Buchanan, and Washington Post columnist, Ezra Klein, The George Washington University, April 16, 2013
“A Process Perspective on Religion and the Public Sphere,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division/Society for the Study of Process Philosophies, San Francisco, CA, March 2013
Chair, Colloquium on “Belief,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, San Francisco, CA, March 2013
Replies to panelists on “Derek Malone-France’s Faith, Fallibility, and the Virtue of Anxiety: An Essay in Religion and Political Liberalism,” a plenary session, panel discussion of my book held at the annual meeting of the Society for Philosophy of Religion, featuring: William Power, Professor of Religion, University of Georgia; Richard Amesbury, Professor für theologische Ethik und Leiter des Instituts für Sozialethik, Universität Zürich; Ronald Hall, Professor of Philosophy, Stetson University—Hilton Head, SC, February 2013
Philosophy of religion, metaphysics and ontology, political and social philosophy, process philosophy (esp. Whitehead)
Faith, Fallibility, and the Virtue of Anxiety: An Essay in Religion and Political Liberalism Palgrave-MacMillan, May 2012 (paperback February 2013)
(Shortlisted Finalist, American Academy of Religion 2013 Prize for Best Work in the Constructive-Reflective Study of Religion)
Political Dissent—A Global Reader, Vol. 1: Ancient to Early-Modern Sources & Vol. 2: Modern Sources Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, December 2011
Deep Empiricism: Kant, Whitehead, and the Necessity of Philosophical Theism Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, November 2006
“The Positive Side of Anxiety: A Response to Richard Amesbury,” Accepted for publication in the journal Political Theology (publication date TBD)
“Between Hartshorne and Molina: A Whiteheadian Conception of Divine Foreknowledge,” Process Studies, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Spring-Summer 2010), 129-48 (Lead article in a special “Focus” issue of Process Studies. It is accompanied by George W. Shields’ “Eternal Objects, Middle Knowledge, and Hartshorne: A Response to Malone-France,” followed by my “Reply to Shields” [166-73] and, then, a commentary on the issues raised by our exchange by Donald Wayne Viney. Shields and I also co-authored the framing “Introduction” [126-28] to the exchange.)
“Composition Pedagogy and the Philosophy Curriculum,” Teaching Philosophy, Vol. 31, No. 1 (March 2008), 59-86
“Liberalism, Faith, and the Virtue of ‘Anxiety’,” Faith and Philosophy, Vol. 24, No. 24 (October 2007), 385-412
“Process and Deliberation,” Process Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1 (August 2006), 108-33
“Hartshorne and Popper on Existential Necessity: A Deep Empiricist Interpretation,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 57, No. 3 (June 2005) 193-208
“The Weak Poetry of Rortian Pragmatism,” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, Vol. 24, No. 2 (May 2003) 157-68
“Universal Human Rights, Federalism, and the International Criminal Court,” International Journal on World Peace, Vol. XVI, No. 1 (March 1999) 31-49
Works in progress
“Astrobiology and Human Understanding: Exploring the Philosophical and Religious Implications of the Search for Extraterrestrial Life” (Book project in early stages of development, with co-author John Baross, Prof. of Astrobiology and Oceanography, University of Washington.)