Jeffrey Brand

Jeffrey Brand
Associate Professor of Philosophy; Affiliated Faculty, Trachtenberg School; Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and Special Programs
Core Faculty
Jeffrey Brand is trained as an analytical philosopher and attorney. His scholarship and teaching address moral, ethical, and legal issues ranging from highly to moderately theoretical. Some of his research is interdisciplinary, infusing philosophy with legal scholarship and social science. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in ethics, legal philosophy, inequality, constitutional interpretation, punishment theory, criminalization, and other topics. In 2010 he received the Morton A. Bender Award for Excellence in General Teaching.
A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Vassar College, Professor Brand received both a law degree and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He was a visiting student at Yale Law School in 1993-94 and admitted to the Illinois State Bar. He is the author of Limits of Legality: The Ethics of Lawless Judging (Oxford University Press 2010, Chinese translation 2017), Philosophy of Law: Introducing Jurisprudence (Bloomsbury 2013), and co-editor of Biomedical Ethics, 7th ed. (McGraw-Hill 2011). He has published articles in leading journals in his field, including Ethics, Legal Theory, and the Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence. In 2012-13 he was the full-time Visiting Scholar in the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health.
Professor Brand served from 2014-19 as associate dean for graduate studies in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences at GW. In that capacity he was responsible for a student support budget of $11 million and eighty graduate programs enrolling more than 2,700, including students in the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration; Corcoran School of the Arts and Design; and School of Media and Public Affairs. He designed and implemented a successful program to attract and yield more applicants from Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCUs and Hispanic-Serving Institutions). He also served on the national steering committee of the Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society for doctoral candidates from historically underrepresented minorities.
Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Political Philosophy
Philosophy of Law: Introducing Jurisprudence (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013), xii + 291 pp. (single- authored textbook)
Limits of Legality: The Ethics of Lawless Judging (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), ix + 354 pp. (monograph)
Biomedical Ethics, 7th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010), xviii + 732 pp. (co-edited with David DeGrazia and Thomas Mappes)
Articles († = refereed)
“Shapiro’s Legality,” Journal of Moral Philosophy, vol. 21, no 1 (2015): 83-102. (review article) †
“Moral Emotions and Culpability for Resultant Harm,” Rutgers Law Journal, vol. 42, no. 2 (2011): 315-46. “Legal Formalism, Agent-Neutrality, and Comparative Justice,” Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, vol. 1, no. 1 (2009).
“Innocents Lost: Proportional Sentencing and the Paradox of Collateral Damage,” Legal Theory, vol. 15, no. 2 (2009): 1-39. †
“Why One Basic Principle?,” Utilitas, vol. 19, no. 2 (2007): 220-242. †
“Contractualism and Deontic Restrictions,” Ethics, vol. 114, no. 2 (2004): 269-300. †
“Consistency, Common Morality, and Reflective Equilibrium,” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, vol. 13, no. 3 (2003): 231-58 (Special Issue: Is There a Common Morality?, Guest Editor: Robert M. Veatch).†
“Hans Kelsen’s Unstable Alternative to Natural Law: Recent Critiques,” American Journal of Jurisprudence, vol. 41 (1996): 133-64. †
“Reconstructing MacKinnon: Essentialism, Humanism, Feminism,” Southern California Review of Law & Women's Studies, vol. 6 (1996): 89-172.
“Legitimacy, Consequentialism, and Conflict of Laws: Lea Brilmayer’s Rights-Based Theory,” New England Law Review, vol. 30, No. 1 (1995): 39-84.
Contributions to Edited Works
“Civil Disobedience” in Hugh LaFollette, ed., International Encyclopedia of Ethics (London: Wiley- Blackwell, 2013).
“Euthanasia” in David Levinson, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime & Punishment (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference, 2002), pp. 645-50.
F.M. Kamm, Bioethical Prescriptions in Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (2015).
Paul Hurley, Beyond Consequentialism in Philosophical Review, vol. 122, no. 4 (October, 2013), pp. 657-61. Richard Ekins, The Nature of Legislative Intent in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (May 28, 2013).
Ronald C. Den Otter, Judicial Review in an Age of Moral Pluralism in Ethics, vol. 121, no. 1 (October 2010), pp. 198-204.
Wilfred Waluchow, A Common Law Theory of Judicial Review in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (November 5, 2008).
F.M. Kamm, Intricate Ethics: Rights, Responsibilities, and Permissible Harm in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (May 17, 2007).
Garrett Cullity, The Moral Demands of Affluence in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (June 13, 2005).
Professional Presentations († = refereed)
- Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
- Department of Philosophy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
- American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division †
- American Philosophical Association, Central Division †
- Northwest Philosophy Conference, Salem, OR †
- Institute for Law and Philosophy, Rutgers-Camden School of Law, Camden, NJ
- Joint Bioethics Colloquium of the National Institutes of Health, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
- Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT †
- Department of Philosophy, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
- Faculty of Law, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School, São Paulo, Brazil
- University of São Paulo Law School, São Paulo, Brazil
- Pontific Catholic University Law School, São Paulo, Brazil
- School of Federal Magistrates, São Paulo, Brazil
- Rio Branco Institute, Brasilia, Brazil
- Department of Philosophy, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil
- Constitution Day Lecture, College of Wooster, OH
- Department of Philosophy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
- Bled Philosophy Conference, Bled, Slovenia †
- American Political Science Association †
- Midwest Political Science Association †
- International Society for Utilitarian Studies †
- Australian Society for Legal Philosophy, Melbourne †
- Association for Practical and Professional Ethics †
- Minnesota Philosophical Society †
- Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities †
- Department of Philosophy, Rice University, Houston
- 29th Conference on Value Inquiry †
- Department of Legal Studies, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
J.D., University of Michigan Law School
A.B., Vassar College
Audrey Beyea, Senior Administrative Assistant
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