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Philosophy News


Life-or-Death Decisions: Philosophy Student Weighs Ethics of Organ Transplants

Luther Rice Fellow Seyeon Moon is applying philosophical insights and bioethical research standards to understanding who receives scarce organ transplants—and who doesn’t.


In Video: The Role of Ethics in AI Policy

CCAS Dean Paul Wahlbeck in discussion with philosophy professor David DeGrazia.


David DeGrazia, a professor of philosophy, authored the book Dialogues on Gun Control.

David DeGrazia’s book articulates ethical arguments supporting and opposing substantial gun control.

President Wrighton (l), Tractenberg Prize winners Paul Duff, Kim Roddis, David DeGrazia and Ekundayo Shittu; and Provost Bracey. (William Atkins/GW Today)

GW Distinguished Faculty Honored at 13th Annual Faculty Honors Ceremony

Faculty awarded the Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg prizes included David DeGrazia, Elton Professor of Philosophy in CCAS, for scholarship.

Laura Papish

Professor Laura Papish's Dean's Seminar on Evil Featured by CCAS

In her Dean’s Seminar, Laura Papish leads first-year CCAS students in philosophical discussions on the nature of evil and its impact across generations.