Tadeusz Zawidzki

Tadeusz Zawidzki
Department Chair, Associate Professor of Philosophy
Core Faculty
“A New Perspective on the Relationship between Metacognition and Social Cognition.” Normative Folk Psychology Workshop, York University, October 26-7, 2017.
“Suffering and Mindfulness: A Neo-Darwinian Perspective.” Presented at International Society for Buddhist Philosophy (Topic - Suffering, Anger, and No-Self: Buddhist-Western Comparative Perspectives), American Philosophical Association, Baltimore, January 4, 2017.
“Mindshaping and Mindreading in Social Coordination.” Presented at the Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk Workshop on Conditional Games and Strategic Risk, Rome, Italy, September 19-20, 2016.
“Are Infant Interpreters Dennettians?” Presented at: (1) Modeling Self on Others Workshop, Central European University, Cognitive Science Department, Budapest, May 2015; (2) Social Minds Graduate Student Philosophy Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, April 2015; (3) Loyola University pre SSPP Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences Workshop, New Orleans, April 2015.
“Mindfulness as Metacognitive Skill.” Presented at: (1) Philosophy Department Colloquium, Randolph College, Lynchburg, VA, March 2015; (2) Sensorium: The Symposium, George Washington University, Smith Hall of Art, December 2014.
“Self-Interpretation as Software.” Presented at: (1) Virginia Philosophical Association Meeting Keynote, Washington and Lee University, November 2014; (2) Instituting Minds Conference, Institute of Philosophy, London, July 2014.
“The Many Roles of the Intentional Stance,” Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Charleston, SC, February 7, 2014.
“The Myth of Jones Revisited: Our Dennettian Ancestors,” Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Austin, TX, February 28, 2013, and to the Wifrid Sellars Society, at the annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Baltimore, MD, December 27, 2013.
“Why Do We Mindread?” Presentation at the Kazimierz Naturalism Workshop on Wide Cognition and Social Intelligence, Kazimierz Dolny, August 21, 2013; at the Culture and Mind Workshop, University of Amsterdam, June 29, 2013, and to the College of Charleston Philosophy Department, Charleston, SC, September 15, 2011.
“The Myth of Jones Revisited: Our Dennettian Ancestors.” Presentation at the Minds in Common conference, Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris, France, June 25, 2013.
“False, Adaptive Beliefs about the mind.” Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Savannah, GA, March 23, 2012.
“Against Neo-Gricean Approaches to Infant Communication.” Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, New Orleans, LA, March 12, 2011.
“Theory of Mind, Computational Tractability and Mind Shaping.” Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, GA, April 16, 2010.
Awards and Honors
"Invited Participant in Liberty Fund’s Colloquium on Liberty and Equality"; January 2013, Tucson, AZ.
"Invited Participant in Oberlin Philosophy of Mind Colloquium"; June 2012, Oberlin, OH.
Awarded George Washington University Research Enhancement Fund for the Mind/Brain/Evolution Cluster, 2008-2011, $104,250.00 (principal author of proposal).
Awarded George Washington University Dilthey/UFF grant for Mind shaping, summer 2008, $8964.00.
Awarded George Washington University Seminar in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, 2008-2009, $2500.00 (co-authored proposal).
PHIL 3151, PHIL 3152, PHIL 3153, PHIL 1051
Zawidzki, T. 2013. Mindshaping. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Zawidzki, T. 2007. Dennett. Oxford: Oneworld Press.
Articles and Book Portions
Leder, G. & Zawidzki, T. 2023. The skill of mental healthTowards a new theory of mental health and disorder. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 4(3), https://doi.org/10.
Zawidzki, T. 2021. Suffering and mindfulness: A neo-Darwinian perspective. Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 3(1), 36-49
Fenici, M. & Zawidzki, T. 2020. The origins of mindreading: How interpretive socio-cognitive practices get off the ground. Synthese, https://
Zawidzki, T. 2019. Metacognitive skill and the therapeutic regulation of emotion. Philosophical Topics 47(2), 27-51. https://www.muse.jhu.
Zawidzki, T. 2019. A new perspective on the relationship between metacognition and social cognition: Metacognitive concepts as socio-cognitive tools. Synthese, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-019-02477-2
Zawidzki, T. 2018. What Is Meta-Cognitive Skill? Kindling a Conversation between Culadasa and Contemporary Philosophy of Psychology. Contemporary Buddhism, DOI: 10.1080/14639947.2018.1572325
Miłkowski, M. et al. 2018. From Wide Cognition to Mechanisms: A Silent Revolution. Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02393
Renner, L. & Zawidzki, T. 2018. Minimal Cognitive Preconditions on the Ratchet. In Di Paolo, L., ed., Primate Social Cognition. Springer.
Zawidzki, T. 2018. Self-Interpretation as Software: Toward a New Understanding of Why False Self-Conceptions Persist. In Pedrini, P., & Kirsch, J., eds., Third Person Self-Knowledge, Self-Interpretation, and Narrative. Springer.
Zawidzki, T. 2018. Mindshaping. In Newen, A., de Bruin, L, & Gallagher, S., eds., The Oxford Handbook of 4e Cognition. Oxford University Press.
Zawidzki, T. 2018. The Many Roles of the Intentional Stance. In Huebner, B., ed., The Philosophy of Daniel Dennett. Oxford University Press.
Zawidzki, T. 2017. Mindshaping and Self-Interpretation. In Kiverstein, J., ed., Companion to the Social Mind. Routledge.
Fenici, M. & Zawidzki, T. 2016. Action Understanding in Infancy: Do Infant Interpreters Attribute Enduring Mental States or Track Relational Properties of Transient Bouts of Behavior? Studia Philosophica Estonica 9(1): 237-257.
Zawidzki, T. 2015. Dennett’s Strategy for Naturalizing Intentionality: an Innovative Play at Second Base. Philosophia, DOI: 10.1007/s11406-015-9630-6
Zawidzki T. 2012. Trans-human cognitive enhancement, phenomenal consciousness and the extended mind. International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4(1): 215- 227.
Zawidzki T. 2012. Unlikely allies: Embodied social cognition and the intentional stance. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11: 487-506. DOI 10.1007/s11097-011-9218-y.
Zawidzki T. 2011. How To Interpret Infant Socio-Cognitive Competence. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2:483–497. DOI 10.1007/s13164-011 0064-1.
Zawidzki, T. 2011. Entry on language evolution. In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, edited by Bernard Wood. Oxford: Blackwell.
Zawidzki, T. 2009. Adaptive self-directed misbeliefs: More than just a rarefied phenomenon? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32: 540-541.
Zawidzki, T. 2008. The function of folk psychology: Mind reading or mindshaping? Philosophical Explorations 11(3): 193-209.
Sherwood, C., F. Subiaul, and T. Zawidzki. 2008. A natural history of the human mind: Tracing evolutionary changes in brain and cognition. Journal of anatomy 212(4): 426-454.
Ph.D., Philosophy, Washington University (St. Louis)