2018 Elton Lecture: Rorty and Post-Post Truth

Fri, 20 April, 2018 8:00pm

Dr. Eduardo Mendieta presented the 2018 Elton Lecture, “Rorty and Post-Post Truth,” on April 20, 2018. He is a professor of philosophy at Penn State, associate director of the Rock Ethics Institute and affiliated faculty at the School of International Affairs and the Bioethics Program at Penn State University. He is the author of The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002) and Global Fragments: Globalizations, Latinamericanisms, and Critical Theory (SUNY Press, 2007). He is also co-editor with Jonathan Van Antwerpen of The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere (Columbia University Press, 2011), and with Craig Calhoun and Jonathan VanAntwerpen of Habermas and Religion (Polity, 2013), and with Stuart Elden of Reading Kant’s Geography (SUNY Press, 2011). He recently finished a book titled The Philosophical Animal, which will be published by SUNY Press in 2018. He is the 2017 recipient of the Frantz Fanon Outstanding Achievements Award.

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